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Technology Beyond the Nanoscale

We go beyond the nanoworld

In the light of ongoing challenges such as climate change, energy crises, and the quest to enhance quality of life, Techscale endeavours to propose solutions. Our mission is to usher in a new era of nanomaterials designed to address critical needs in energy, catalysis, sensing, as well as teranostics. On top of this, the Techscale project is committed to conducting comprehensive social impact assessments and fostering public acceptance of these cutting-edge technologies.

“Anticipating breakthroughs that will redefine the limits of current nanotechnologies, our vision encompasses applications spanning from energy storage to chemical catalysis in both the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Moreover, Techscale aims to advance diagnostics of selected diseases and their treatment, introducing novel materials for antimicrobial therapy while combatting bacterial resistance to antibiotics.”

Prof. Michal Otyepka, Principal Investigator, CATRIN UP

Prof. Michal Otyepka, Principal Investigator, CATRIN UP

Prof. Michal Otyepka, Principal Investigator, CATRIN UP

Prof. Michal Otyepka, Principal Investigator, CATRIN UP

Prof. Michal Otyepka, Principal Investigator, CATRIN UP

Prof. Michal Otyepka, Principal Investigator, CATRIN UP

Prof. Jiří Čejka

“Our objective is to develop novel multifunctional single-atom catalysts enabling diverse reactions to run in parallel on one carrier. Through the collaborative efforts of our esteemed partners from leading Czech and also international institutions, we aspire to yield a plethora of groundbreaking results”

Prof. Martin Pumera

“I am genuinely excited that our exceptional partnerships with the best research groups in the field of materials sciences have resulted in a joint scientific project that will allow pushing the boundaries of the nanoworld and current state-of-the-art. I am also delighted that the project secured the second position among nearly a hundred competitive applications. The best is yet to come. 🚀”

Prof. Martin Pumera

“I am genuinely excited that our exceptional partnerships with the best research groups in the field of materials sciences have resulted in a joint scientific project that will allow pushing the boundaries of the nanoworld and current state-of-the-art. I am also delighted that the project secured the second position among nearly a hundred competitive applications. The best is yet to come. 🚀”

Let’s explore the research work packages of the TECHSCALE project



The project is funded with a budget

481,7 million CZK

The project has been funded from the Excellent Research call of the Jan Amos Komenský programme.

The common denominator of the proposed new solutions is the groundbreaking method of Single Atom Engineering, which allows to control the properties of materials up to the atomic level.

Main recipient


Representatives UP

Project TECHSCALE (No. CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004587) is financed by the MEYS OP JAC Excellent research programme, supported by ERDF/ESF.


Presentation templates for partners (ZIP format)

Project logo (ZIP format)

The work was supported from ERDF/ESF project TECHSCALE (No. CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004587).

Press release (Czech - in DOCX format)